Thursday, July 9, 2015

Upper Class

Flow Worthy!

Slim Pickin's

Straight gutter vibes from the UK's Slim Pickin's. Flow Worthy!

Blvnt Records

Pristine production can easily be found here. BLVNT RECORDS compiles an astounding group of individuals to lace up tracks with varying ranges. Most might already know of this recent release. If you don't, now you do. Flow Worthy!

Nosmo King

This was released back in may, I might be late to the party, good thing it's still going on two months later at Nosmos. Flow Worthy!


Smooth joints, Flow Worthy!

Sunday, July 5, 2015


Flow Worthy!

Jonathan Cloud

Flow Worthy!


Flow Worthy!

Track IV

Definitely deserves a spot in your library. Flow Worthy!


Flow Worthy!


Milk chocolate vibes from ewonee, each piece more delicious than the last. Savor the flavor and grab a refreshing blend of blessed beats. Flow Worthy!

Ghost McGrady

Drowsy drug laden tracks, trip-hopping through chemical clouds, obscure and verbose, but finds a pleasant camp site in the mind to chill around. Flow Worthy!


Brisk vibes settling down on your brain, punchy and uplifting, great tape from Loupo.

bobbitopikles x kuromoji

Proper bounce, a collaboration from a duo I've never heard of, but expect to hear more from in the future, check the bandcamp out and follow the soundcloud to find out more. Flow Worthy!


Getting July started right, cripsy joints from P Murph, represent. Flow Worthy!

Amber Haze

Chilling with Amber on this one, laid back goodies for your pleasure. Flow Worthy!